Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Semester 2 - Post 7

I read a recent post titled "Teenagers as 'Teamagers'...What do you think?" written by Will Richardson. In this post Will talks about how a man by the name of Tom Austin had made some interesting points about the value that businesses can find by using social tools in the workplace. Tom thinks that a great social tool to use would be work collaboration. Working in a group is very efficient and helpful way to fulfill one's duties. The quote that Will found the most interesting from Tom was:

"Look at teenagers today. They’re 'teamagers'. They work on projects as a group and think nothing of doing it that way. I expect to see that kind of thing percolate through the enterprise as an unstoppable force over the next two decades."

I found this very interesting because as a teenager, or "teamager", myself, I have become accustomed to working in group. I work in groups on projects for school, and also in sports...my team is a group and in order for us to be successful, we must work as a group. I feel that if companies were to become more focused on working in groups, they may be more successful. I have found it very helpful throughout my years and if a teenager can be successful using "the group method", shouldn't companies be successful also?

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