Monday, September 17, 2007

PLN: Week 2- Post 3

I read a recent article titled "Could it Happen Here?" written by Dave Warlick. This article deals with the issue of whether or not we should have a conference discussing the future of our schools.

In Shanghai there was a conference dealing with this subject and Warlick quotes,
"So here’s the question that just occurred to me. Could something like this happen in the United States?" And the answer I think is very critical. Yes I think something like this could and should happen in the United.

As a student my self I think this article relates to me and my classmates specifically. The future of our education may rest on a conference such as this and I feel that it is very important for us to look at this and ask ourselves what we expect for our education. In my opinion when I look into the future and I see schools, I picture them with computers instead of text books, and in the future I highly doubt that there would be a bell and class periods like there are today. With so many of these ideas in my mind and the minds of students around me I think it is absolutely necessary for a conference like this to take place in the United States.

Now you may ask, well how does this relate to the world around us? The answer is simple. Our schools control the minds of students by what they teach us and I think it is crucial for leaders in our world to discuss certain issues such as curriculum and other like things that will take place in our schools of the future.

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