Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Semester 2 - Post 5

I read a recent article titled "This is Your Brain on PSA's" written by Anne S. In this article Ms. Smith talks about the use of PSA's in the classroom, and how helpful that can be. It was interesting to me to read this because I am indeed in Ms. Smith's English class so I created my PSA.

In this article Ms. Smith talks about how she got the idea for her students to create PSA's of their own after she watched Kathy Schrock deliver an address on the use of PSA's in the classroom. At the beginning of the second semester, we (one of Smith's English classes) wrote position papers on certain issues that affect our world today. After completing these papers, Ms. Smith thought it would be a good idea for us to create PSA's that tie to a topic of one of your partner's position papers. It was very cool to sort of take our papers and make them into an actual announcement that will draw in people's attention to that topic, not to mention it was nice to learn how to create a film.

This article was great to look at from an outsiders perspective because I was a part of creating the PSA's. Overall, this was a great article, and an even better learning lesson.

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