Saturday, March 1, 2008

Semester 2 - Post 1

I read a recent post written by Will Richardson titled "The Distributed University." In this post Will talks about how students who graduate from high school and choose a college to attend should not be limited to the classes and professors that their school of choice may offer. But how could these options be widened? Is it possible to allow students to take online courses? Yes, but what are the benefits to that? Taking their college courses online would not allow the student "the full college experience."

This story relates to me as I soon will be making decisions on colleges and what I want to study, so it is important to look at all of the possibilities so that I , as a student, am not limited. It was interesting bringing up the idea of online courses because, though they are quicker than campus life, you still do not get to experience the full, fun, exciting life that comes with being in college. When attending college you learn so much, not only academically, but also so much about yourself and if you were to go through college online you would not learn those things.

All in all, going to college is much better on the campus than taking online courses. You need that freedom and independence to give yourself a chance to take a step into the real world and prepare yourself for the future.

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