Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Semester 2 - Post 3

I read a recent post titled "The Future of the Newspaper" written by Karl Fisch. In this post Mr. Fisch talks about and interview that he had the privilege of listening to between John Temple and the Journalistic Writing students here at Arapahoe. John Temple is the editor, publisher, and president of the Rocky Mountain News and he came in to talk to the Journalistic Writing student about his views on the future of newspapers.

I found this article very interesting because it just so happens that I am taking journalistic writing this semester so I was apart of this interview myself. From what I know about this article, and from what I recall from the interview, John Temple thinks that because of the advances in technolgy the future of newspapers is not very bright at this point. Mr. Temple can almost guarantee that there will still be a printed newspaper, but it will be printed in smaller quantities. This is because readers of different ages have different wants and needs when reading the newspaper. For example older readers prefer reading the printed newspaper because they are not as technology savvy so it would take them longer to find what they are looking for on the internet. On the other hand younger readers enjoy the convenience of the internet because it is fast, easy, and updated frequently. Not only does Temple think that the newspapers will soon be all online, but he also brought up the idea of the Avatar. The Avatar is an online version of your personality that knows what you enjoy and surfs the internet for topics that fall under your category of interest. This works much like Google Reader.

It was interesting to see the views that someone else had on something that I witnessed first hand. Also it was cool to see what he took out of the interview with John Temple, because it allows me to look back and see the things I may have over looked in our time with Mr. Temple.

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