Saturday, October 13, 2007

PLN: Week 5- Post 10

I read a recent article titled "Voters Want More from Schools" written by Dave Warlick, this article talks about a nation wide poll of registered voters that revealed that Americans are concerned that schools are not preparing young people with skills that they will use in the real world.

This article relates to me because as a teenager I am at the stage of my life where I am needing to be given all the appropriate skills that are going to be necessary for me to compete in the world as a business person and if America is concerned that kids my age are not being shown these skills then maybe we need to take a look and see how we can change that. In just four very short years I will be done with high school and be moving on to college where I will be looking at what I want to do with the rest of my life and if I don't the skills necessary for me to survive in the business world then my choices of what to do with my life may be limited. This article said brought up the idea that the skills needed for jobs in the 20 century are very different from what they were 20 years ago and many people feel like schools need to adapt to those changes and find a way to give students these skills.

This article relates to the world because as the world around us is changing our administrative staff at schools need to realize that changes need to be made and they need to do something about it so their students can succeed when they leave school and go out into the real world.


alenav said...
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berekm said...

I agree with that and its true that we do know a lot about them so i guess they are wrong but we should use more technoligy. Good job looking up and stuff

laurenp said...

Youd did a great job with your speech and explaining you entries ,but you have little contact, other than that a very good job!